January 2016

RED DOOR, Past, Present and Future

According to CNN, on January 20, 2016, “asylum seekers in the town of Middlesbrough, UK, were housed in homes with RED painted doors, making some residents targets of abuse.” British Immigration Minister James Brokenshire stated that he was "deeply concerned by this issue," after media reports that asylum seekers had had eggs and stones thrown at their houses because the paintwork on their doors gave...

Sheikh Nimir’s Execution and It’s Impact on the World in 2016

On the very first day of the 2016 Saudi Arabia executes 47 people, including the key Shia cleric Sheikh Nimir al-Nimir.   While we in the west were exchanging New Year gifts and cheers, tens of innocent Shia advocates were executed. Although the Saudi king is not known to be smart, he took “smart” advantage of the cheers and busy holiday news. Executing the most influential advocate on the day that...

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